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Exosome Technology

Correcting Cellular Code

Our proprietary technology is programmed to rewrite corrupt biological code and send messages to correct cellular activity, delivering breakthrough results.

Cell-to-Cell Communication

Exosomes are carriers that deliver specific coded messages to cells at a molecular level.

Cell-to-Cell Communication

Exosomes are carriers that deliver specific coded messages to cells at a molecular level.

Molecular Science

Exosomes are incredibly minuscule, allowing them to easily navigate and deliver signals where it’s needed most.

1/1000th the size of a cell

Molecular Science

Exosomes are incredibly minuscule, allowing them to easily navigate and deliver signals where it’s needed most.

1/1000th the size of a cell

Human Technology

Our NX35 technology is a marvel of biomimetics — the science of mimicking natural functions in our bodies.


Our NX35™ technology targets specific cells and delivers “coded” messages.


Uses naturally occurring functions found in our bodies.

100% Vegan

100% plant-derived and vegan.